Port Renfrew Marina as many of you may know has been in the news lately regarding the bear mauling that happened on Sept.9 around 5:00 that evening. We would like to take this opportunity to express our deepest thanks to everyone that helped us with this terrible event. A very personal thank you to the brave people who helped with trying to get the bear off the man: Bruce Miller, Jared Gagen, Bud, the fellow's friend Steve, Art Unruh and Ed Stirling. Also a very special thank you to David Pope who is an advanced life support paramedic (so very lucky he had all his equipment with him) and his mother Cindy Pope who is a nurse who came to the man's rescue to care for his wounds. In the 22 years that the marina has been in business and the 12 years of our ownership there has never been an incident like this and we pray there never will be again. At last report the man is in the hospital and stable, which is a relief, all things considered. What a great feeling to know that we live in a place that when a fellow human being is in extreme distress that there are others that will come to his rescue regardless of the risk of death or injury. Without this help the man would have almost surely died. To the fellow that was so badly injured we all wish him a very speedy recovery. To everyone there that day that helped a VERY BIG thank you!! Fishing at Port Renfrew Marina in the past week has been very slow. There are still a few springs around and a few Coho showing up. Hopefully in the following week we will see an improvement and have more Coho's showing in real numbers. The seas have been very calm with beautiful weather for the most part but with some fog.
Notable catches of Springs:
- Thelma Mattson 34
- Hugh Hamar 32.5
- Dale Exley 36
- Dave Maitson 36
- Blair Houdayer 32
- Clayton Wright 31
- Trevor No Banana's 33
Halibut fishing is still good at the Swiftsure Bank. The fish are on the smaller side but are the best for eating.
Important Dates: Port Renfrew Marina's Coho "Winner Take all" Derby will be held this Sept.27th & 28th. The cost is $20.00 a rod and the rules are dawn to 6:00 p.m. on Sat. the 27th and dawn to 1:00 on Sun the 28th. All fish are expected to be caught within the legal fishing areas. The fisheries rules for Coho are: Two wild Coho can be kept if caught inside the whistle buoy. Hatchery Coho can be retained in or outside the bay. Up to four Coho in total may be kept. For more information, see these links:
- Regs for area 20: http://www.pac.dfo-mpo.gc.ca/recfish/Tidal/area20_e.htm
- Detailed map: http://www.pac.dfo-mpo.gc.ca/recfish/Opportunities/PN/A20_San_Juan_and_Juan_De_Fuca_Coho_Chinook_PN2008.pdf
Port Renfrew Marina will be closing on Oct.12th 2008. Please make arrangements for taking your unit and boat home unless previously arranged for storage.
Bud & Rex