Port Renfrew Marina has been producing good fishing for a while now and along with the usual teenagers and ones in the twenties there seems to be a good amount of ones showing up in the 30's and even a couple in the 40's! The springs are here and just in time for the Chinook Salmon Derby this weekend! The derby is Saturday and Sunday and tickets are available at the office but also the early morning at Eagle Eye Sports and Wise-Buys Fishing Supplies after mid morning you will need to get your ticket at the marina if you haven't picked some up yet.The office will be open a little later than usual to accommodate late arrivals and the office will also be opening early on Saturday morning for the same reason. We are going to have low tides this weekend so if you are planning on fishing Saturday be advised you will need to launch early, no later than 5:30 or wait until 11:00 so an early trip is necessary. Weather wise it is looking good with sunny warm skies and hopefully calm seas. ALSO make sure you have your fishing license already as the marina is no longer a vendor for fisheries. The best thing to do is to go on line and get it yourself but you need the computer with internet and a printer. Notable Catches:
- Greg Wickland 31
- Sharon Winters 32
- Dave Mills & friend a really good days catch
Phones: At Port Renfrew Marina we have and will continue to have ongoing issues with our phone system. If you are calling us and get a repeated busy signal then that means the phones are down. This can happen randomly. We apologize for the nuisance and inconvenience but there is not much that can be done. We try to get on it asap and normally things are up and running after a day or so. When this happens the best thing to do is send an email as the internet while slow seems to hang in there.
Don't forget: Port Renfrew Marina will be having its 17th annual Labor Day Derby coming up on Aug. 30th and 31st. This the one with the band, t-shirts, dinner, drinks and many prizes. Tickets will only be available at the marina. Then on Oct 4th and 5th we will be having our annual Coho "Winner Take All" Derby. Both derbys are a lot of fun and our focus is a relaxed atmosphere where everyone has a good time.
Bud & Rex