Today on June 28th it is the first day this year that the Chinook have finally hit the beach! Not as red hot as we have come to expect but some limit catches hit the docks. Most boats landed fish up to 28 pounds, others lost their fish to the dreaded seals. Small bait is around right now so Coho Killers or small anchovies should be the ticket. Offshore the "chicken ranch" is giving up springs and halibut though there has been some tide and weather issues. Baitrix trolled at 170 feet has worked well.
Inshore halibut on the anchor has been fantastic! Lots of limit catches of nice sized fish means lots of smiles at the cleaning tables. Maybe best to avoid the area around "the ears" as a longliner has been working that area. For the best halibut fishing try to pick times with a 1 to 2 knot ebb current.
Crabs have moved into a little deeper water, 60 to 100 feet deep. It has been an epic crab fishing this season and it seems to be continuing for now. The ones we see are hard and heavy and are very meaty.
Notable catches:
- Wayne Winters 38
- Matt Jones 32
- Darci Haywood 42 47 halibut
- Neil Hanson 34 have added this in since this report was posted, looks like fishing is getting more like we have come to expect!
- Neil Hanson 34
Upcoming Event: The now annual Port Renfrew Marina Spring Salmon Derby will be held on July 16th and 17th held by the Cowichan Kinsmen This derby is a fun one with many great prizes. Winnings go to the biggest springs caught. 1st prize is $2000.00 2nd prize $800.00 and 3rd prize $400.00. There is an early bird draw for tickets purchased before July 4th, it is a $200.00 tackle box package. There are hidden weight and door prizes. Tickets will be available at Port Renfrew Marina, Bucky's Sports, Gord's Flybox or from Dustin 250 701-5253 or Monies raised will go to local service projects, youth sport programs, San Juan Enhancement Society, Port Renfrew Park, families in need, special needs people and Cystic Fibrosis to name a few. For photos of previous derbys go to
Raffle Item: Port Renfrew Marina is raffling an Islander Reel donated by them to raise funds for the local salmon hatchery. It is a MR 2-LA Mooching Reel called ARBOR SLATE. Tickets are $5.00 or 3 for $10.00 and available at the marina. Buy a ticket and support the hatchery so you and generations to come can enjoy the sport of salmon fishing.
Another Raffle Item: Again the Port Renfrew General Store has generously donated another gift basket for raffle for the Labor Day Derby. This basket is full of some amazing items, such as a bottle of Ketel vodka, Gran Reserva Bacardi rum, 1 bottle of quality red wine, & a bottle of salted caramel Baileys, a ceramic LED candle lantern, a box of Purdys chocolates, cedar salmon wraps, acrylic plates and bowls, 1 pound Salt Spring organic coffee, Stash organic green tea, bamboo reed diffuser, 4 stemless wine glasses and much more, all sitting in a metal beer cooler tub with a built in bottle opener on the side. It can be viewed at the Port Renfrew General store or at Port Renfrew Marina later in the month. Tickets are $2.00 each or 3 for $5.00, what a deal for a basket of approximately a $300.00 value! Must be 19 or older to buy tickets and attendance is not required to win.
News: Port Renfrew Marina is still in the process of getting piping installed for running water. Things are coming along but the wheels of bureaucracy turn slowly. It is our hope to have it completed in a month or less.
Issues: Again Port Renfrew Marina is having some problems with the phones, they are working but we are having issues with accessing our messages so please if you call, rather than leave a message please call back. We will work to resolve the problem.
Port Renfrew Marina has a Labor Day Derby every year, this years will be the 19th annual derby. We are now trying to collect donations for this derby and we ask if anyone feels they can help with a donation or knows a business that could help out we would be grateful to hear from them. You can come by the office or call us at 250 483-1878 and let us know. As you know a successful derby is dependent on prizes and as usual we are trying to help the local hatchery who depends on organizations to help them stay viable and productive. All of us at the marina want to make sure that there are salmon around for generations to come! All donations, large and small are greatly appreciated. The Labor Day derby is a 2 day event with prizes for top three largest fish, one for woman's and under 16, hidden weights, door prizes, silent and live auctions and raffle items.
Bud & Rex