At Port Renfrew Marina Chinook fishing has really improved this weekend with more boats on the water and good weather. The "rockpile" at 70 feet in 80 feet of water produced some limit catches. The fish were mostly in the low to mid teens.
Halibut is great! Smooth seas with ebb tides allowed access to spots farther west resulted in lots of the flat fish hitting the cleaning tables. The highlight, like last year, is the crabbing! Limits of hard purple crabs are making everyone happy. If you have to throw back 6 or 7 keepers you know how good it is!

It is now nearing the end of May and we are filling up faster than any year previously. There are a couple of seasonals that have not yet contacted us and if we don't hear from them soon their spots will become available, so please if you see this report and you haven't spoken to us, you need to asap.
With the ongoing development that is being done at the marina we will soon have maybe 5 new sites with power available for anyone interested. Most of the work is nearly done and things are settling down now. For those who who need it we also have the pay phone up and working now, it seems every year there is a part that needs replacing.
Bud & Rex