For Port Renfrew Marina Coho fishing has slowed down to a trickle. Coho fishing had been red hot until the end of September with 6 to 8 fish per boat days. The Coho Derby this past weekend saw nice weather but slow fishing. There were 368 entrants in the derby this year for a total purse winnings of $7360.00 that went to Randy Wright who brought in a 18 pound 4ounce Coho. Fishing seemed to be better on the Sunday with 3 Coho over 16 pounds and 24 pound spring. This years Coho derby also raised money for the San Juan Hatchery. The amount donated to Maurice Trembley at the hatchery was $1860.00. With the monies raised at the Labor Day Derby of $9414.00 and the Coho derby Port Renfrew Marina has been able to give them a total donation this year of $11,254.00 with the great help of all our generous and dedicated customers. The San Juan Hatchery have taken their Chinook eggs for this year and report a very healthy return to the river system. Leta all hope for a really good fishing season for 2010.
Important Dates and Notices:
- Oct.12th Port Renfrew Marina will be closing for the season.
- May 1st Port Renfrew Marina opens for the 2010 season
- Again we would like to remind everyone about settling up their business with the marina on or before closing is possible. If you are wanting winter storage please make arrangements with us in the office. Wayne & Gwen Coleman, our caretakers will be there for the winter and it is possible to come up and check on things for yourself if you contact them by phone 483-1486 to make sure the gate is left open. We at the marina, Bud, Tedi, Rex, Diane and Knut want to thank Wayne & Gwen for their outstanding help this year, what would we do without you??? We all look forward to working with you next year and really appreciate everything you guys do!
Bud and Rex