Port Renfrew Marina is beginning to gear up for another season. We will be opening on May 1st. With the milder winter and the fair spring it has made it possible for our caretakers, Wayne & Gwen Coleman to have accomplished a remarkable amount of clean up, helping us get organized for the coming year. A big thanks to them! The outlook for early Chinook fishing is very good with a strong run predicted for the Columbia River. There have been reports of springs being caught up to 26 pounds at Owen Point. Halibut catches have already been very good for "chickens." Crabbing in the area will be starting soon and if this year is like all others in the past, the catches will be great. Anyone who has tasted Port Renfrew Marina crab will be very excited to start the eating feast soon and if you haven't had the opportunity to try the local crab you should, as it is the BEST!
A reminder that all previous seasonal customers should be contacting us as soon as possible to confirm their spots from last year. If we don't hear from you by May 10th it will be assumed you are not returning. As you may know the HST is going into effect this July and if you would like to avoid paying the additional 7% tax you may, by paying for your seasonal site in full by April 30th. To do so you must contact us personally by e-mail or phone to make arrangements for payment. Please do not call and try to complete this with our caretakers, the Coleman's. The GST is still in effect and applies to all services paid for at any time. If for any reason the HST is overturned or withdrawn and you have made a payment after April 30th then Port Renfrew Marina will refund you your 7% tax in full.
Port Renfrew Marina will have fuel (boat gas, car gas and diesel) by May 1st. We will also have bait available. If you have any questions or concerns please call or e-mail us and we will do our best to help you.
Bud & Rex