June 12, Report & Update

During the past month Port Renfrew Marina has had much work done. The docks are now all resurfaced and the piling work is done for 2007. We want to thank everyone who pitched in and helped along the way with the immense work load and the 10 weeks time it took to complete this. We are dredging on June 13, 14 and 15th. This will give us some much needed extra moorage for smaller boats. The rearranging of the fueling and cleaning tables has worked out very well.

Fishing has been very slow for salmon. There are mostly winter feeders out there at this time although a 15 and 18 lb were caught a couple of weeks ago. Crabbing is still good with the best catches coming from farther out in the bay. Halibut has been hot and cold with guides doing well one day and slow the next in the same location. By mid month, Swiftsure bank fishing should start to heat up for halibut as well as for salmon.

Please note: If you have been trying to call Port Renfrew Marina, you can't get through as someone has taken one kilometer of our phone line. We are in the process of trying to make some other arrangements. If you have inquiries please feel free to e-mail us.
Bud & Rex