The fantastic Chinook fishing continues on! Port Renfrew Marina is definitely seeing the best season of angling success that even long time fishermen can remember. With the exception of the odd one or two day lulls, most every day the docks are full of smiling faces.
Ten to twenty Chinook hookups a day are common with the usual hotspots all giving up fish. There are fish showing out in the 90' to 110 foot depths of water though trolling depths can still be as shallow as 25 foot on the downriggers.
While anchovy is the major bait of choice, whole herring with no flashers and coyote spoons are also working. Port Renfrew Marina has a solid supply of anchovy and herring.
The "chicken ranch" is still pumping out springs in large numbers though the August fog is a daily concern. Halibut fishing has switched back to an anchor-up method with some awesome catches hitting the scale. Sockeye is still open but you do need to patiently weed through the pinks to get some. If you are wanting pinks you can limit on them in no time, to avoid them devouring your bait try spoons or Baitrix as an alternative.
Crabbing is still going strong! Usually by now it's over but this year is outstanding, just make the most of it while it's still great!
Be aware that Owen Point is now closed.
Notable Catches:
- Larry Defrane 37
- Peter McCuaig 30
- Don Colgrave & John Cove 43
- Mark Pavisic 30 32
- Doug Cunningham 35
- Island Outfitters 93 halibut
- Desi Hatchard of 40
- Dale Coombs 31
- Mike Smith 40
- Rick Capebreton 31
- Tyler Arnold 30 28 24 18
Although the marina pay phone is working we are having some issues with certain calling areas, if you get an error 13 please let us know. For anyone who is not familiar with the marina we should remind people that we are a cash business only, we do have an ATM for convenience. Please try to come prepared for this. We also sell boat gas, car gas and diesel and we try very hard to keep our prices fair. We sell bait, ice and tackle.
IMPORTANT NEWS: Coming up very soon is the annual Port Renfrew Marina Labor Day Derby. This year it is on Sept.3rd and 4th with the awards ceremony, dinner and dance on the Sunday. There is also a "bull head" derby for kids 12 and under on Sunday at 9:00 am.Tickets are $55.00 a rod and include a t-shirt, dinner, beverages and the live band. Monies raised go to the local San Juan hatchery. Any individual or business who feels they support this with a donation please contact us by phone or come by the office. All donations are recognized at the derby and greatly appreciated. We encourage all our participants to patronize these businesses that help out.
Port Renfrew Marina is also having their annual "Winner Take All" Coho Derby on the first weekend in Oct. The dates are Oct.1st and 2nd. This derby is a two day event with a $25.00 entry for each rod. $5.00 goes to the hatchery and the rest goes in the winning pot. The winning amount varies with how many people enter but pots have ranged anywhere from $5600.00 to almost $14000.00! All cash!
Bud & Rex