Port Renfrew Marina was having a run of great fishing but has seen a decline in the Chinook fishing over the last couple of days. The weather brought a winter type low pressure which brought on severe rain and a very large west swell. This had a negative effect on fishing to the point that on Thursday morning most fisherman who tried to go out, turned back. Later that day things settled down and it will improve over the next couple of days as the weather gets back to the more normal conditions in August. There is a front expected Sun and time will tell if fishing is affected. Logan Creek still seems to be best though Camper and East Point have less fishing pressure. The list of notable catches will be missing many fish over 30 pounds as we were so busy last weekend that they just didn't get recorded, so the list is as follows. If you have caught a fish over 30 pounds let the office know and your name will be posted. Notable Catches of Springs:
- Shawn Melinchuk: 31
- Blais 36,36
- George Cuthburt 31
- Debbie Gilmore 41
- Don & Carol Wardlow 35
- Brad Wiksyk 41.5
- Al Teng 33
- Harold Cronk 30
- Blair Houdayer 37
- Gerry Hamilton 38
- Steve Downs 34
- Allan Jane (Jackson & Tyson) 32
- Craig Martin 32
- Desi Hatchard of www.viviousfishcharters.com 36, 39
- Trevor of No Bananas Charters 46
- Dan of www.islandoutfitters.com 41.5
Halibut fishingcontinues to be very good with some feeder springs showing up at Swiftsure Bank. Spoons and plugs are the lures of choice.
Coho are still found out at Swiftsure but not shown up onshore yet and are probably a couple of weeks away. Mid to later September seems to be the time when Coho's make a more solid appearance.
Important Dates:Port Renfrew Marina is having it's Labor Day Derby on Aug.30th and 31st.First Prize $1000.00 second prize $500.00 and third prize $250.00. Tickets sold at the marina only. Also it is confirmed that the Port Renfrew Marina Coho "Winner Take All" Derby will be Sept. 27th & 28th with a $20.00 entry fee.
Bud & Rex
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