May 6th Port Renfrew Marina Report

Port Renfrew Marina is now open! Things have been very busy with people moving their units in for the season. Power sites are getting in short supply except for a few on the asphalt side.We have been busy also, cleaning up the area and getting things ready for business. We have just last weekend finished 120 feet of new dock space. We have also cleared a big area for parking boat trailers and are hoping this will give us more space available for parking and possible space for more units. We are also in the stages of building some new picnic tables which have been in chronically short supply. We still recommend that if you are coming camping to bring a table with you. If you were a seasonal customer and haven't contacted us yet as to whether you are going seasonal you must do so ASAP as sites are going fast.

Halibut fishing is average with most of the fish in the 30 to 50 pound range. Weather of course, is a major concern this early in the season. Once the barn doors start showing up the boats will be heading out in large numbers.

No Chinooks as yet but no one is trying for them this early, the focus is Halibut and crab. The crabbing continues to be excellent and as always so sweet. This should continue until late June so enjoy it while it lasts!

Wanted: Port Renfrew Marina is still looking for gas boys for the summer. If you know of anyone who is interested in having a summer job and making some money please let us know. We need someone strong to pump gas for the boats and cars. This job would usually start around 1 or 2 in the afternoon until about 6. This could also entail cutting grass and just general help around the marina.

Port Renfrew Marina did post on the site that we would no longer be selling wood but we have since found a source for bagged firewood that we will be selling. These are bags of around an arm load. You are still encouraged to bring firewood with you.

Wishing all our customers, old and new, a great summer fishing and good times at the marina. See you there!

Bud and Rex