Port Renfrew Marina will be officially opening for business on May 1st. A reminder, if you are a past seasonal camper with us you must contact us by May. 1st to confirm your site or we will assume you are no longer needing it. We have been having many new inquiries lately so speak with us soon. You can e-mail us through the website or call 474-2643 or call Noel at 483-1486.
We will have fuel, bait and tackle available on our opening date. We will not be selling firewood this year so please keep that in mind and bring your own supply to enjoy your campfires. A new addition is a pay phone for customers convenience just outside the office and we are in the process of looking into having a ATM machine in the office for those customers that don't have cash.
This year Rex will be only working part of the summer so we will be having a new person helping out. Knutt, a previous employee of Bud's will be there to help with the office, gas, etc. We are lucky to have him as he is a great guy and we are sure the everyone who meets him will feel the same.
While it's early for fishing given the weather and sea conditions, crabbing has been reported to be pretty good. They are hard, sweet and fairly plentiful.
Wanted: Port Renfrew Marina is looking for gas boys to hire for the summer. If you know someone who loves the marina atmosphere and will be around for the summer and would like a summer job, let us know. It's a great opportunity for to be able to fish in the morning and then work a few hours in the afternoon.
Looking forward to seeing all our friends and customers in the new season.
Bud & Rex