Port Renfrew Marina is seeing slower fishing than expected for this time of year although it is slowly improving. Chinooks have all but past but there are a few around and the Coho haven't showed up in any numbers yet.
Large seas have kept fisherman from Swiftsure so we have no reports on Coho numbers out there or where the Halibut are in any numbers. The fish were there for ones with strong stomachs and a boat big enough to handle the large swells. In the last few days the seas have calmed down considerably so hopefully fishing will improve in that area.
Photos are Martin Hill (upper right) with his 44.5 pound Spring and Kyle & Angie Hughes (below) with their 40 pound Spring
Unfortunately rain is forecast the next few days and through the weekend. This may bring the Coho in to the beach but the fisherman warm and dry at home. Although with the Coho Derby planned for this weekend the lure of winning a very large amount of money will most likely bring them out in big numbers! Last years winner got $13,880.00 for the largest Coho weighing in at 22.52 pounds.
Remember to play it safe this time of year! Be sure your boat
Dates to remember: Port Renfrew's 5th annual Coho Derby is this coming weekend, Sept. 29th & 30th. Entry is still $20.00, winner take all.
Port Renfrew Marina will be closing for the season On Oct. 14th, please remember to come get your boat, unit and close your account with us until next year.
Please Note: For those of you who are heading in via Lake Cowichan Highway please be advised that the Harris Creek bridge is being worked on and is open only between noon and 1 pm and then after 4:00pm , September 26-27 and 28th.
Fish of notable size in the past weeks:
Blair Houdayer 31 Hugh Hamer 35
Trudy Ammann 32 Shawn Kent 32
Hugh & Angie Hughes 40 Trudy Ammann 4o
Jack Cotterill 40 Wilson Taylor 40
Bud & Rex