Sept. 14, 2007 Port Renfrew Marina Fishing Report

Port Renfrew Marina fishing is in it's transition phase right now. The last of the Chinook are passing by and the Coho are still mainly off shore. There are still some chrome-bright big springs showing up, with limit catches for those with the stick and stay plan. Camper and East Point are producing for those willing to put in the time. Come get your fishing time in before the marina closes for the season! Closure this year is Oct.14th, please make arrangements to have your boats and rigs out on time.

Off shore Halibut fishing is still FANTASTIC! Try some of the old spots like the 170, Face, the Well, etc. They haven't had any pressure for a month or so.

Coho on Swiftsure Bank is Crazy!! Acres of them! Find the birds and krill and the Coho are there. Coyote's in bright yellow and strip work best by most accounts. Bring your trout and fly gear!

Just a reminder: A small informal Coho Derby is this coming weekend Sept.22nd & 23rd put on by Clint Groen for firefighters burn unit. A great event to support!
The Coho Derby is Sept.29th & 30th and the entry fee is $20.00.

Fish of notable size caught in the last week or so:
Mark Stewart 38
No Banana's 37
Ian Bateson 38
Brett Mcknight 38
Tim Hoohey 40.5
Fritz Hollenbach 35
Heavy Hauler Charters 40.5
Hindsight Charters 43.5
Don Soderquist 41.5
Bob Parker 40
Ken Gillard 44
Nick Tzonev 54 This Spring is in the lead at Island Outfitters for the biggest Spring of the year, we'll see if it holds!

Sorry, no pictures available as yet!

Bud & Rex