At Port Renfrew Marina Chinook fishing has still not lit up as it should be. It will happen any day now as we have heard good reports of numbers of fish just to the north of us. We just need some bait around to bring the fish in.
There are some springs weighing into the mid twenties but most seem to be in the mid to high teens. Bait is always the number one choice but white hootchies are catching fish also.
Dylan Nitschke 32lb spring
Offshore the sea conditions have been horrible for the last few days. If you can tough it out, limit catches of springs and "chicken" halibut are the norm. Yesterday though anglers complained they could not get down to the halibut as a huge biomass of black cod had moved in. They shouldn't be here long.
Inshore halibut fishing has been quite good especially with the early morning ebb currents. Crabbing has slowed a bit but is still very good.
Upcoming Events: Port Renfrew Marina will be hosting the annual Kinsmen Salmon Derby on July 21st and 22nd. Tickets are $50.00 a rod and includes a dinner. This is a really fun derby and enjoyed by all who participate. The monies raised go to some great causes in the Lake Cowichan area. Please go to for full details.
Port Renfrew Marina's Labor Day Derby on Sept. 1st and 2nd. details will be coming.
Bruce's catch 5 halibut and 4 springs 1 hali on the cleaning table
Port Renfrew Marina's Coho Derby on Sept.29th and 30th. details will be coming for it also.
Bud & Rex