At Port Renfrew Marina we want to do a quick update of the fishing for you. The weekend into Monday was quite good. Bigger fish have showed up on the beach. Nitnat as well as the Rockpile to Camper areas are holding feed and fish. The fish that were cleaned today had only squid in them so this may influence your choice of lure.
The "chicken ranch" is still hot for springs, halibut and black cod but the big tides and full moon make for a less than comfortable ride out.
Notable catches:
- John Gordon 34
- Larry and Judy DeFrane 28
- Brian Paulsen 20 17
John Gordon 34
Coming soon: Kinsmen Salmon Derby on July 21 and 22. If you like derby's this one is great, so many prizes and the funds raised go to an assortment of wonderful causes. Come out, have some fun, catch fish and possibly win a prize and help out with your participation. Tickets are $50.00 a rod and includes a dinner. Tickets available at Port Renfrew Marina, Island Outfitters, Bucky's, Gord's Fly Box and Harbour Chandler.
Bud & Rex